May 27, 2020

A Woman

  • Photographer: Lorenzo Ferreyros
  • Creative Direction: Alice Bertay
 Golden spiral of emotions.
 A woman is an invitation,
 To transcend your limitations.
 Sacred geometry,
 Her body reveals,
 The harmony of life ‘s frequency.
 Complete sequencing,
 Heart activation,
 A woman expands your visualization.
 Infinite horizon, dynamic optimization,
 She carries within,
 A poetic Wisdom.
 Love Algorithm.
 Mathematical Inversion.
 The equation is the sum Fibonacci,
 In correspondence,
 With natures ‘s equanimity.
 Golden Ratio.
 Her shape initiates,
 Numbers of vibrations.
 Surrender to her rhythm.
 Trust unity to be.
 A multiple of your totality.
-Alice Bertay