There is strong shadow where there is much light.”
- Goethe, Götz von Berlichingen
In a nod to the old masters, photographer Bill Phelps balances the dark with the light to elucidate our enduring domestic tableau.
Left Dress : Marilyn Tov
Right Dress: Vestiaire de Jeanne
Gold Necklaces: Little Ginette, available in the Kid-In Shop
Collars and Head Pieces : Vintage
Tutu Dress: Wovenplay
Head Piece : Fäfä
Stockings and Ballet Shoes: Capezio
Dress: Marilyn Tov
Gold Necklaces: Little Ginette, available in the Kid-In Shop
White Collar and Head Piece: Vintage
Tutu Dresses: Wovenplay
Head Piece: Fäfä
Gold Necklace: Little Ginette, available in the Kid-In Shop
ballet pointe shoes: Repetto
Left Page: Tutu Dresses: Wovenplay
Head piece: Fäfä
Right Page: Pea Coat: Petit Bateau
Head Piece: Vintage
Left Page: Black Dress: Marylin Tov
Head piece and Collar: Vintage
Right Page: Tutus: Wovenplay
Stockings and Ballet Shoes: Capezio
Ballet Pointe shoes: Repetto
Tutu Dresses: Wovenplay
Head Pieces : Fäfä
Gold Necklace: Little Ginette, available in the Kid-In Shop
Stockings : Capezio
Ballet Pointe Shoes: Repetto
Dress: Electric Feathers
White Collar: Vintage
Head Piece: Made by Tattoos & Eyeliner for kid-In
Dress: Vestiaire de Jeanne
White Collar and Head Piece: Vintage
Pea Coat and Socks: Wovenplay
Short: Opus
Necklace: ILD Jewelry for Kids available at Pomme, Brooklyn, NY
Ballet Slippers: Capezio
Dress: Electric Feathers
White Collar: Vintage
Head Piece: Made by Tattoos & Eyeliner for kid-In
Onesie: Goat Milk
Baby Bonnet : PetitSomething
Left Page: Black Dress: Electric Feathers
Cuffs: Vintage
Right Page: Tutu: Noe & Zoe
Pea coat: Petit Bateau
Hair Clip on Coat: Fäfä
Dress: Le Vestiaire de Jeanne
White Collar: Vintage
Head Piece: Made by Tattoos & Eyeliner for kid-In
Left Page: Silk Blouse: Nixie Clothing
Head Piece and Collar: Vintage
Right Page: Dress: Le Vestiaire de Jeanne
White Collar: Vintage
Head Piece: Made by Tattoos & Eyeliner for kid-In